Dr Claire Tanner

Research Interests

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Zoology at the University of Oxford. My research broadly spans animal behaviour responses and human wildlife conflict. As a Postdoctoral Researcher in the MCEM group, I am investigating the human wildlife conflict between fisheries and pinnipeds in the UK. This includes assessing potential determinants behind negative pinniped interactions and assessing the current impact of pinniped interactions on UK fisheries. I am currently collaborating with the Marine Management Organisation to assist with assessing the viability of potential management mitigation strategies.

I have previously worked in sea turtle conservation (in Costa Rica, Cape Verde and Ghana) and artisanal bycatch of turtles and sharks (Ghana). My PhD concentrated on the parental care behaviour of shorebird species in Madagascar, with an aim to understanding the differences between an endangered species compared to two non-endangered species in the same habitat.